Data Resources

The Northeast Center has developed several data sets that are available for public use, including data on the estimated stock of social capital in each US county for the years 1990, 1997, 2005, and 2009; the economic resilience of US counties during the Great Recession; and, Labor Market Areas data.

County-level measure of social capital

Here you will find data on the estimated stock of social capital in each US county for the years 1990, 1997, 2005, 2009, and 2014, as well as a link to the peer-reviewed paper that describes these data.


Economic Resilience of U.S. Counties during the Great Recession

Data used in “The Economic Resilience of US Counties During the Great Recession,” by Yicheol Han and Stephan J. Goetz, published in the Review of Regional Studies, Vol 45, No 2 (2015).


Overlapping Labor Market Areas

An Excel spreadsheet of Labor Market Areas data. If you decide to use these data, please cite the source as follows: Han, Yicheol, Stephan J. Goetz (2017) Overlapping Labor Market Areas Based on Link Communities. Papers in Regional Science.


Latent Innovation Data

A measure of latent (or hidden) innovation in local economies based on spillovers among industries in terms of inter-industry sales and purchases as well as spatial proximity. Here, latent innovation originates within supply chains from both a firm’s customers (buyers) as well as suppliers, where the former contribute to product innovation and the latter to process innovation.
