Data Brief: Pennsylvania Food Insufficiency Reached New High at the End of 2020
NERCRD Covid-19 Data Report 21-01: The share of Pennsylvania households in which hunger is a problem has increased to the highest rate since the data were first collected at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey, the share of adults in households where there was either sometimes or often not enough to eat in the last seven days reached a new high of 12.7% on December 19, 2020, just slightly below the national rate on that day (12.9%). In this report we also show how families have adapted to this crisis by accessing free food and how households with different incomes have been affected by rising food insecurity.
Authors: Stephan J. Goetz; Zheng Tian; Claudia Schmidt; Yuxuan Pan
Publication: NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief Series Date Published: February 12, 2021