Rural innovation grant program culminates in special sessions at North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association
November 10, 2017
Content from the special sessions included:
Session I: Rural Innovation is Multifaceted: Findings from the Rural Establishment Innovation Survey
- Determinants of Rural Business Innovation
Brian Whitacre, Oklahoma State University; Devon Meadowcraft, Oklahoma State University; Roberto Gallardo, Mississippi State University - The Effects of Sources of Innovation on Innovation Type: Firm-Level Evidence from the United States
Timothy Slaper, Indiana University; Mehmet Demircioglu, Indiana University; David Audretsch, Indiana University - Varieties of Innovation and Firm Survival: Does Pursuit or Incremental or Wide-Ranging Innovation Make Firms More Resilient?
Daniel Crown, The Ohio State University; Anil Rupasingha, USDA Economic Research Service; Tim Wojan, USDA Economic Research Service - The Impact of Knowledge Management Strategies on Innovation Outcomes of Rural and Urban Businesses in the United States
Kathryn Dotzel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Session II: Rural Innovation in Space: Findings from the Rural Establishment Innovation Survey
- Patenting as Contagion? How Local Employment in Patent Intensive Industry and the Inventive Class Affects the Probability of Applying for a Patent.
Kathryn Dotzel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Tim Wojan, USDA Economic Research Service - Exploring Rural and Urban Firm Innovation: Analysis of the National Survey of Business Competitiveness
John Mann, Michigan State University; Scott Loveridge, Michigan State University; Giri Aryal, Michigan State University; Satish Joshi, Michigan State University - Design, Innovation and Rural Creative Places: Are the Arts an Attractive Amenity, the Cherry on Top, or Secret Sauce?
Tim Wojan, USDA Economic Research Service; Bonnie Nichols, National Endowment for the Arts