Still time to register for the 2019 Conference on Sustainable Tourism and Outdoor Recreation!
July 23, 2019
The conference theme is “Our future is Connected: Using the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ Framework to Strengthen our Connections (Environment, Economics, Social)”
In addition to a range of field workshops and tours, the conference will include more than 30 peer-reviewed presentations. Check out the schedule-at-a-glance here!
Confirmed talks include:
- Transdisciplinary University Engagement for Sustainable Tourism Planning
- From Farmers Market to Farm Stay – Promoting to a Foodie, Experience-Seeking Demographic
- Exploring the Influence of Emotional Solidarity with Tourists and Subjective Well-being Conditions on Attitudes Toward Tourism and Support for Tourism among Oregon residents
- Multi-State Survey on Critical Success Factors for Agritourism
- Connecting Downtowns and Trails
- Spawning Sustainable Tourism Initiatives via Regional Collaboration
- Building Capacity to Drive Community-Tourism via Visitor “First Impressions” Tourism Assessments
- A Look into the Future: Sea Grant’s 10-Year Visioning Plan for Sustainable Coastal Tourism
- Seasonal Labor Needs in a Minnesota Destination: exploring challenges and opportunities
- Windward O’ahu Tourism Impact Assessment- How much is too much?
- Agribusiness Clusters as Paradigm Shifters in Regional Marketing
- The State of Extension and Tourism: Capacity and Opportunities for Cooperative Extension
- Customer Service in the Tsunami Zone
- Aquaculture Tours in Rhode Island: Opportunities for Cross-Learning and Conflict Resolution
- The Block Island Wind Farm and its Impacts on Tourism and Recreation
- The Hawai’i Ecotourism Association’s Long Road to a Sustainable Tour Certification Program
- Promoting sustainable ecotourism through innovative guide training
- Expanding Agritourism in Butte County, California – Case Study Report
- Total Net Economic Value of Oregonians’ Participation in Outdoor Recreation
- Health Benefits from Oregonian’s Outdoor Recreation Participation
- Geotourism: Sustainable Tourism Without Sacrificing Community Value
- Economic and social contributions of the Beltrami County Fair in Minnesota
- T3 Accelerator Coaching Program
- Organizing Georgia’s First Coastal Tourism Conference and Lessons Learned