Tag: COVID-19


Google Searches Predict Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims

NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief No. 2020-5: The COVID-19 pandemic produced historically unprecedented numbers of layoffs, leading to surges in the number of unemployment filings: over 26 million Americans have filed claims for unemployment benefits (New York Times, 4/23/2020). In this brief we show how Google Trends searches predated or anticipated these filings, and how they were propagated across the different states as the coronavirus took its toll.

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Brief: Americans’ Food Spending Patterns Explain Devastating Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Agriculture

NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief No. 2020-9. This brief is also published as a commentary in the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development.

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Rural Broadband Investment Urgently Needed in the COVID-19 Crisis

NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief No. 2020-6 – Issued jointly with the Regional Rural Development. By S.J. Goetz, H.M. Stephens, S.J. Rocker, R. Welborn, S. Turner, D. Albrecht and M. Skidmore, April 28, 2020.

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Social Capital May Increase Social Distancing

NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief No. 2020-4. This brief examines whether a community’s level of “social capital” may predict or be associated with greater adherence to social distancing requirements within U.S. counties during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Rural COVID-19 Cases Lag Urban Areas but Are Growing Much More Rapidly

NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief No. 2020-3: This brief examines data on COVID-19 cases by county type as of April 2020.

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Farms with Direct to Consumer Sales in the Northeast Region and COVID-19: Some Early Challenges and Responses

NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief No. 2020-1. Agricultural producers who sell directly to consumers faced a particular conundrum during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, in that they both tend to be located close to population centers and it is in these densely populated areas where COVID-19 cases were most common. Here we document this issue and discuss resulting challenges for farmers, and their adaptation strategies to date.

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COVID-19, Networks and Regional Science

NERCRD COVID-19 Issues Brief No. 2020-2: This brief explores network and regional science in the context of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also was published as an essay in the June 2020 newsletter of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC).

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