What is TRED?

by Steven Deller, University of Wisconsin (Click here to return to the TRED Table of Contents.) TRED is An economic development strategy A process (strategic planning) Content (data analysis and interpretation) Targeted Regional Economic Development (TRED) is a means to an end with the end being the implementation of a viable set of economic growth […]

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TRED – Pulling it all together

by Thomas Harris, University of Nevada, Reno (Click here to return to the TRED Table of Contents.) Community Business Matching and the Analytical Hierarchy Process This section provides an over view of the Community Business Matching model along with the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Specifically, the following questions are addressed: Why do we need public input […]

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Location-Quotients and TRED

by Steven Deller, University of Wisconsin (Click here to return to the TRED Table of Contents.) Methods of identifying potential industries to focus targeting efforts on vary widely, but an approach suggested by Harvard business economist Michael Porter is growing in popularity. The approach is built on the notion of location quotients and it includes […]

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Shift-share analysis and TRED

This article draws from Shaffer, R.E., S.C. Deller and D.W. Marcouiller. 2004. Community Economics: Linking Theory and Practice. Oxford: Blackwell Professional Publishing. By Steven Deller, University of Wisconsin (Click here to return to the TRED Table of Contents.) As we have seen, numerous tools can be used upon which to base a Targeted Regional Economic […]

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Threshold or probability modeling for TRED

by John Leatherman, Kansas State University (Click here to return to the TRED Table of Contents.) What is probability modeling? As the name implies, probability modeling is a regional economic modeling technique that generates a prediction of the likelihood that a given industry sector establishment will appear in a particular location, over a period of […]

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