What supports do caregivers in the Northeast use and what support do they still need?
This “Research Snapshot” explores the supports that caregivers use and the supports they still need, as reported by households as part of the “NER-Stat: Caregiving Survey” — a regional household survey that the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) conducted in collaboration with Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD), The Ohio State University and the National Farm Medicine Center. The survey was conducted in 2023 with 4,480 responses from the 13 states of the Northeast Region through a Qualtrics online panel. Since the caregiving needs of children and adults vary, the researchers explored variations on supports used based on the type of care provided. The dataset that this brief draws upon is also available online here: https://purr.purdue.edu/publications/4491/1
To learn more about this research and to access other briefs in this caregiving series, click here.
To access a version of this brief that focuses on the North Central U.S., click here.
Authors: Emily Southard, Florence Becot, Shoshanah Inwood
Publication: NERCRD Research Brief Date Published: October 9, 2024
Tags: caregiving, data brief
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